700 |
Is it possible to colour a particular column for specified values
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); with ConditionalFormats.Add('int(%1) in (3,4,5)',Nil) do begin BackColor := $ff; ApplyTo := EXGANTTLib.FormatApplyToEnum($1); end; MarkSearchColumn := False; with Columns do begin Add('Column 1'); Add('Column 2'); end; with Items do begin CellCaption[TObject(AddItem(TObject(0))),TObject(1)] := TObject(1); CellCaption[TObject(AddItem(TObject(2))),TObject(1)] := TObject(3); CellCaption[TObject(AddItem(TObject(4))),TObject(1)] := TObject(5); end; EndUpdate(); end |
699 |
Is it possible to colour a particular column
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); MarkSearchColumn := False; with Columns do begin Add('Column 1'); (Add('Column 2') as EXGANTTLib.Column).Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellBackColor] := TObject(255); end; with Items do begin CellCaption[TObject(AddItem(TObject(0))),TObject(1)] := TObject(1); CellCaption[TObject(AddItem(TObject(2))),TObject(1)] := TObject(3); CellCaption[TObject(AddItem(TObject(4))),TObject(1)] := TObject(5); end; EndUpdate(); end |
698 |
How do i get all the children items that are under a certain parent Item handle
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; Columns.Add('P'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; with Items do begin hChild := ItemChild[FirstVisibleItem]; OutputDebugString( CellCaption[TObject(hChild),TObject(0)] ); OutputDebugString( CellCaption[TObject(NextSiblingItem[hChild]),TObject(0)] ); end; EndUpdate(); end |
697 |
How can I change the predefined labels being displayed in the chart's header so it shows the data in short format with no literals
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 0; LevelCount := 3; OverviewVisible := EXGANTTLib.OverviewVisibleEnum.exOverviewShowAll; AllowOverviewZoom := EXGANTTLib.OverviewZoomEnum.exAlwaysZoom; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exYear] := '<%yy%><|><%yyyy%>'; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exHalfYear] := ''; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exQuarterYear] := ''; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exMonth] := '<|><%m%><|><%m%>/<%yy%><|><%m%>/<%yyyy%>'; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exThirdMonth] := ''; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exWeek] := '<|><%ww%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%><r><%ww%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%><r><%ww%><||><||>256'; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay] := '<|><%d%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%><||><||>4096'; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exHour] := '<|><%hh%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%><||><||>65536'; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exMinute] := '<|><%nn%><|><%h%>:<%nn% <%AM/PM%>><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%> <%h%>:<%nn%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%>:<%nn%> <%AM/PM%>'; Label[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exSecond] := '<|><%ss%><|><%nn%>:<%ss%><|><%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yy%> <%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%><|><%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyy' + 'y%> <%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%>'; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exYear] := '<%yyyy%>'; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exHalfYear] := ''; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exQuarterYear] := ''; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exMonth] := '<%m%>/<%yyyy%>'; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exThirdMonth] := ''; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exWeek] := '<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%ww%>'; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay] := '<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%>'; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exHour] := '<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%> <%AM/PM%>'; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exMinute] := '<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%>:<%nn%> <%AM/PM%>'; LabelToolTip[EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exSecond] := '<%m%>/<%d%>/<%yyyy%> <%h%>:<%nn%>:<%ss%> <%AM/PM%>'; UnitScale := EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay; end; EndUpdate(); end |
696 |
How can I get the caption of focused item
// SelectionChanged event - Fired after a new item has been selected. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_SelectionChanged(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs); begin with AxGantt1 do begin with Items do begin OutputDebugString( 'Handle' ); OutputDebugString( FocusItem ); OutputDebugString( 'Caption' ); OutputDebugString( CellCaption[TObject(FocusItem),TObject(0)] ); end; end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; Columns.Add('Items'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('R1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; h := AddItem('R2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; EndUpdate(); end |
695 |
How can I get the caption of selected item
// SelectionChanged event - Fired after a new item has been selected. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_SelectionChanged(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs); begin with AxGantt1 do begin with Items do begin OutputDebugString( 'Handle' ); OutputDebugString( SelectedItem[0] ); OutputDebugString( 'Caption' ); OutputDebugString( CellCaption[TObject(SelectedItem[0]),TObject(0)] ); end; end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; Columns.Add('Items'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('R1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; h := AddItem('R2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; EndUpdate(); end |
694 |
How can I highligth the item from the cursor as it moves
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); h := get_ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit); with Items do begin ClearItemBackColor(AxGantt1.Background[EXGANTTLib.BackgroundPartEnum($200 Or Integer(EXGANTTLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exHSRight) Or Integer(EXGANTTLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exListOLEDropPosition))]); ItemBackColor[h] := $f0faf0; end; set_Background(EXGANTTLib.BackgroundPartEnum($200 Or Integer(EXGANTTLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exHSRight) Or Integer(EXGANTTLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exListOLEDropPosition)),h); EndUpdate(); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exHLines; SelBackColor := Color.FromArgb(240,250,240); SelForeColor := Color.FromArgb(0,0,0); ShowFocusRect := False; with Chart do begin SelBackColor := $f0faf0; end; Columns.Add('Items'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('R1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; h := AddItem('R2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; EndUpdate(); end |
693 |
How can I get the item from the cursor
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin h := get_ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit); OutputDebugString( 'Handle' ); OutputDebugString( h ); OutputDebugString( 'Index' ); OutputDebugString( Items.ItemToIndex[h] ); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exHLines; Columns.Add('Items'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('R1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; h := AddItem('R2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; EndUpdate(); end |
692 |
How can I get the column from the cursor, not only in the header
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin OutputDebugString( get_ColumnFromPoint(-1,0) ); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; Columns.Add('P1'); Columns.Add('P2'); DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; with Items do begin h := AddItem('R1'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := 'R2'; CellCaption[TObject(InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.1')),TObject(1)] := 'Cell 1.2'; CellCaption[TObject(InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.1')),TObject(1)] := 'Cell 2.2'; ExpandItem[h] := True; end; EndUpdate(); end |
691 |
How can I get the column from the cursor
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin OutputDebugString( get_ColumnFromPoint(-1,-1) ); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; Columns.Add('P1'); Columns.Add('P2'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('R1'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := 'R2'; CellCaption[TObject(InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.1')),TObject(1)] := 'Cell 1.2'; CellCaption[TObject(InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.1')),TObject(1)] := 'Cell 2.2'; ExpandItem[h] := True; end; EndUpdate(); end |
690 |
How can I get the cell's caption from the cursor
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin h := get_ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,c,hit); OutputDebugString( Items.CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(c)] ); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; Columns.Add('Items'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('R1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 1.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; h := AddItem('R2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Cell 2.2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; EndUpdate(); end |
689 |
Is it possible to change the style for the vertical or horizontal grid lines, in the list area
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; GridLineStyle := Integer(EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesVSolid) Or Integer(EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesHDot4); Columns.Add('C1'); Columns.Add('C2'); Columns.Add('C3'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Item 1'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := 'SubItem 1.2'; CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(2)] := 'SubItem 1.3'; h := AddItem('Item 2'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := 'SubItem 2.2'; CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(2)] := 'SubItem 2.3'; end; EndUpdate(); end |
688 |
How can I show the bars over the grid lines, i.e. so you cannot see the grid lines 'through' the bar
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; GridLineColor := Color.FromArgb(220,220,220); with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 48; FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; GridLineStyle := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesBehind; LevelCount := 2; with Level[1] do begin DrawGridLines := True; GridLineColor := $dcdcdc; end; with Bars.Item['Task'] do begin Pattern := EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternSolid; Height := 14; end; end; Columns.Add('Column'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Item 1'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/5/2001','A',Nil); AddBar(h,'Task','1/8/2001','1/15/2001','B',Nil); end; EndUpdate(); end |
687 |
Is it possible to change the style for the vertical grid lines, in the chart area only
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; GridLineStyle := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesDash; with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 48; FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; GridLineStyle := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesDash; LevelCount := 2; Level[1].DrawGridLines := True; with Level[0] do begin GridLineColor := $ff; GridLineStyle := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesVSolid; end; Bars.Item['Task'].Pattern := EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternSolid; end; Columns.Add('Column'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Item 1'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/5/2001','A',Nil); AddBar(h,'Task','1/8/2001','1/15/2001','B',Nil); end; EndUpdate(); end |
686 |
Is it possible to change the style for the grid lines, for instance to be solid not dotted
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; GridLineStyle := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesSolid; with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 48; FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; GridLineStyle := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesStyleEnum.exGridLinesSolid; LevelCount := 2; Level[1].DrawGridLines := True; Bars.Item['Task'].Pattern := EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternSolid; end; Columns.Add('Column'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Item 1'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/5/2001','A',Nil); AddBar(h,'Task','1/8/2001','1/15/2001','B',Nil); end; EndUpdate(); end |
685 |
How can I show the grid lines for the chart and list area
with AxGantt1 do begin DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 48; FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; DrawGridLines := EXGANTTLib.GridLinesEnum.exAllLines; LevelCount := 2; Level[1].DrawGridLines := True; Bars.Item['Task'].Pattern := EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternSolid; end; Columns.Add('Column'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Item 1'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/5/2001','A',Nil); AddBar(h,'Task','1/8/2001','1/15/2001','B',Nil); end; end |
684 |
How can I get the link from the point
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin OutputDebugString( Chart.LinkFromPoint[-1,-1] ); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); Columns.Add('Task'); with Chart do begin FirstVisibleDate := '12/29/2000'; PaneWidth[False] := 64; LevelCount := 2; end; with Items do begin h1 := AddItem('Task 1'); AddBar(h1,'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); h2 := AddItem('Task 2'); AddBar(h2,'Task','1/5/2001','1/7/2001','K2',Nil); AddLink('L1',h1,'K1',h2,'K2'); Link['L1',EXGANTTLib.LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkText] := 'L1'; h3 := AddItem('Task 3'); AddBar(h3,'Task','1/8/2001','1/10/2001','K3',Nil); AddLink('L2',h2,'K2',h3,'K3'); Link['L2',EXGANTTLib.LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkText] := 'L2'; end; EndUpdate(); end |
683 |
How can I get the bar from the point
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin OutputDebugString( Chart.BarFromPoint[-1,-1] ); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); Columns.Add('Task'); with Chart do begin FirstVisibleDate := '12/29/2000'; PaneWidth[False] := 64; LevelCount := 2; end; with Items do begin h1 := AddItem('Task 1'); AddBar(h1,'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); h2 := AddItem('Task 2'); AddBar(h2,'Task','1/4/2001','1/6/2001','K2',Nil); AddLink('L1',h1,'K1',h2,'K2'); h3 := AddItem('Task 3'); AddBar(h3,'Task','1/8/2001','1/10/2001','K3',Nil); AddLink('L2',h2,'K2',h3,'K3'); end; EndUpdate(); end |
682 |
How can I get the level from the cursor
// MouseMove event - Occurs when the user moves the mouse. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_MouseMoveEvent(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXGANTTLib._IGanttEvents_MouseMoveEvent); begin with AxGantt1 do begin OutputDebugString( Chart.LevelFromPoint[-1,-1] ); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin with Chart do begin FirstVisibleDate := '6/25/2010'; PaneWidth[False] := 0; LevelCount := 4; end; end |
681 |
I display numbers in my chart, but the AddBar requires a date how can I add a bar
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); Columns.Add('Tasks'); with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 0; NonworkingDays := 0; FirstVisibleDate := TObject(0); ToolTip := ''; with Level[0] do begin Label := '<%i%>'; ToolTip := ''; end; UnitWidth := 24; end; with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Task 1'),'Task',TObject(2),TObject(4),Nil,Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 2'),'Task',TObject(6),TObject(10),Nil,Nil); end; EndUpdate(); end |
680 |
I display numbers in the chart's header but do not want to get displayed negative numbers. How can i do that
// DateChange event - Occurs when the first visible date is changed. procedure TWinForm1.AxGantt1_DateChange(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs); begin with AxGantt1 do begin Chart.FirstVisibleDate := TObject(0); set_ScrollPartEnable(EXGANTTLib.ScrollBarEnum.exHChartScroll,EXGANTTLib.ScrollPartEnum.exLeftBPart,False); end end; with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 0; NonworkingDays := 0; FirstVisibleDate := TObject(0); ToolTip := ''; with Level[0] do begin Label := '<%i%>'; ToolTip := '<%i%>'; end; UnitWidth := 24; end; EndUpdate(); end |
679 |
How can I display numbers in the chart's header instead dates
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 0; NonworkingDays := 0; FirstVisibleDate := TObject(0); ToolTip := ''; with Level[0] do begin Label := '<%i%>'; ToolTip := ''; end; UnitWidth := 24; end; EndUpdate(); end |
678 |
How can I determine that a certain bar is the topmost
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 48; FirstVisibleDate := '12/27/2000'; end; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Bars A B'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/6/2001','A',Nil); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/6/2001','B',Nil); ItemBar[h,'B',EXGANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarColor] := TObject(255); h := AddItem('Bars B A'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/6/2001','B',Nil); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/6/2001','A',Nil); ItemBar[h,'A',EXGANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarColor] := TObject(255); end; end |
677 |
Is there any automatic way to change a property for all bars in the chart
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Task 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 2'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K2',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 3'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K3',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 4'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K4',Nil); ItemBar[0,'<*>',EXGANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarColor] := TObject(255); end; end |
676 |
I have an EBN file how can I apply different colors to it, so no need to create a new one
with AxGantt1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); SelBackColor := BackColor; SelForeColor := ForeColor; HasLines := EXGANTTLib.HierarchyLineEnum.exNoLine; Columns.Add('Default'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); hC := InsertItem(h,Nil,'Default'); ItemBackColor[hC] := $1000000; ItemHeight[InsertItem(h,Nil,'')] := 6; hC := InsertItem(h,Nil,'Light Green'); ItemBackColor[hC] := $100ff00; ItemHeight[InsertItem(h,Nil,'')] := 6; hC := InsertItem(h,Nil,'Dark Green'); ItemBackColor[hC] := $1007f00; ItemHeight[InsertItem(h,Nil,'')] := 6; hC := InsertItem(h,Nil,'Magenta'); ItemBackColor[hC] := $1ff7fff; ItemHeight[InsertItem(h,Nil,'')] := 6; hC := InsertItem(h,Nil,'Yellow'); ItemBackColor[hC] := $17fffff; ItemHeight[InsertItem(h,Nil,'')] := 6; ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
675 |
How can I remove all bars from the chart
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Task 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 2'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 3'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 4'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K2',Nil); ClearBars(0); end; end |
674 |
How can I change the color for all bars with a specified key
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Task 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 2'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 3'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 4'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K2',Nil); ItemBar[0,'K1',EXGANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarColor] := TObject(255); end; end |
673 |
Is there any automatic way to change a property for all bars with a specified key
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Task 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 2'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 3'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 4'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K2',Nil); ItemBar[0,'K1',EXGANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarColor] := TObject(255); end; end |
672 |
How can I remove all bars with specified key
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Task 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 2'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 3'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Task 4'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K2',Nil); RemoveBar(0,'K1'); end; end |
671 |
Is there any option to show gradient bars without using EBN technology
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Chart.Bars.Item['Task'] do begin Color := $ff; StartColor := $ff00; EndColor := $ffff; Pattern := EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternBox; end; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Task'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/5/2001','',Nil); end; end |
670 |
How can I disable the control's splitter so the user can't resize the list area
with AxGantt1 do begin OnResizeControl := Integer(EXGANTTLib.OnResizeControlEnum.exDisableSplitter) Or Integer(EXGANTTLib.OnResizeControlEnum.exResizeChart); Chart.PaneWidth[False] := 60; end |
669 |
How can I disable the control's splitter so the user can't resize the chart area
with AxGantt1 do begin OnResizeControl := EXGANTTLib.OnResizeControlEnum.exDisableSplitter; Chart.PaneWidth[True] := 60; end |
668 |
How can I define a bar that shows two colors, one up and one down, without using skin or EBN files
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Chart.Bars.Add('A') do begin Color := $ff; Shape := EXGANTTLib.ShapeBarEnum.exShapeSolidUp; Pattern := EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternSolid; end; with Chart.Bars.Add('B') do begin Color := $80; Shape := EXGANTTLib.ShapeBarEnum.exShapeSolidDown; Pattern := EXGANTTLib.PatternEnum.exPatternSolid; end; Chart.Bars.Add('A%B').Shortcut := 'AB'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Task 1'); AddBar(h,'AB','1/2/2001','1/6/2001','K1',Nil); ItemBar[h,'K1',EXGANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarPercent] := TObject(1); end; EndUpdate(); end |
667 |
Does your control support RightToLeft property for RTL languages or right to left
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); ScrollBars := EXGANTTLib.ScrollBarsEnum.exDisableBoth; LinesAtRoot := EXGANTTLib.LinesAtRootEnum.exLinesAtRoot; with (Columns.Add('P1') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox] := TObject(True); PartialCheck := True; end; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; RightToLeft := True; EndUpdate(); end |
666 |
Is there any way to display the vertical scroll bar on the left side, as I want to align my data to the right
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); ScrollBars := EXGANTTLib.ScrollBarsEnum.exDisableBoth; with Columns do begin Add('C1'); Add('C2'); Add('C3'); Add('C4'); Add('C5'); Add('C6'); Add('C7'); Add('C8'); end; RightToLeft := True; EndUpdate(); end |
665 |
Can I display the cell's check box after the text
with AxGantt1 do begin with (Columns.Add('Column') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellHasCheckBox] := TObject(True); Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellDrawPartsOrder] := 'caption,check'; end; with Items do begin CellHasCheckBox[TObject(AddItem('Caption 1')),TObject(0)] := True; CellHasCheckBox[TObject(AddItem('Caption 2')),TObject(0)] := True; end; end |
664 |
Can I change the order of the parts in the cell, as checkbox after the text, and so on
with AxGantt1 do begin Images('gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql' + 'Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0' + 'ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN' + 'AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA='); (Columns.Add('Column') as EXGANTTLib.Column).Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellDrawPartsOrder] := 'caption,check,icon,icons,picture'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Text'); CellImage[TObject(h),TObject(0)] := 1; CellHasCheckBox[TObject(h),TObject(0)] := True; end; end |
663 |
Can I have an image displayed after the text. Can I get that effect without using HTML content
with AxGantt1 do begin Images('gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql' + 'Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0' + 'ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN' + 'AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA='); (Columns.Add('Column') as EXGANTTLib.Column).Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellDrawPartsOrder] := 'caption,icon,check,icons,picture'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Text'); CellImage[TObject(h),TObject(0)] := 1; end; end |
662 |
Is there any option to print the columns section on each page
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); Columns.Add('Col 1'); Columns.Add('Col 2'); MarkSearchColumn := False; Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; Chart.LevelCount := 2; with Items do begin h1 := AddItem('Col 1'); CellCaption[TObject(h1),TObject(1)] := 'Col 2'; AddBar(h1,'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); h2 := AddItem('Col 1'); CellCaption[TObject(h2),TObject(1)] := 'Col 2'; AddBar(h2,'Task','2/5/2001','2/7/2001','K2',Nil); AddLink('L1',h1,'K1',h2,'K2'); Link['L1',EXGANTTLib.LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkStartPos] := TObject(0); end; EndUpdate(); with (ComObj.CreateComObject(ComObj.ProgIDToClassID('Exontrol.Print')) as EXPRINTLib.Print) do begin Options := 'ColumnsOnEveryPage=-2'; PrintExt := (AxGantt1.GetOcx() as EXGANTTLib.Gantt).DefaultDispatch; Preview(); end; end |
661 |
Is there any option to print the columns section on each page
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; Chart.LevelCount := 2; with Items do begin h1 := AddItem('Task 1'); AddBar(h1,'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); h2 := AddItem('Task 2'); AddBar(h2,'Task','2/5/2001','2/7/2001','K2',Nil); AddLink('L1',h1,'K1',h2,'K2'); Link['L1',EXGANTTLib.LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkStartPos] := TObject(0); end; EndUpdate(); with (ComObj.CreateComObject(ComObj.ProgIDToClassID('Exontrol.Print')) as EXPRINTLib.Print) do begin Options := 'ColumnsOnEveryPage=1'; PrintExt := (AxGantt1.GetOcx() as EXGANTTLib.Gantt).DefaultDispatch; Preview(); end; end |
660 |
How do I print the control's content
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Items do begin h1 := AddItem('Task 1'); AddBar(h1,'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001','K1',Nil); h2 := AddItem('Task 2'); AddBar(h2,'Task','1/5/2001','1/7/2001','K2',Nil); AddLink('L1',h1,'K1',h2,'K2'); Link['L1',EXGANTTLib.LinkPropertyEnum.exLinkStartPos] := TObject(0); end; EndUpdate(); with (ComObj.CreateComObject(ComObj.ProgIDToClassID('Exontrol.Print')) as EXPRINTLib.Print) do begin PrintExt := (AxGantt1.GetOcx() as EXGANTTLib.Gantt).DefaultDispatch; Preview(); end; end |
659 |
How can I display the column using currency format and enlarge the font for certain values
with AxGantt1 do begin with (Columns.Add('Currency') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellCaptionFormat] := TObject(1); FormatColumn := 'len(value) ? ((0:=dbl(value)) < 10 ? ''<fgcolor=808080><font ;7>'' : ''<b>'') + currency(=:0)'; end; with Items do begin AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); AddItem('9.94'); AddItem('11.94'); AddItem('1000'); end; end |
658 |
How can I highlight only parts of the cells
with AxGantt1 do begin with (Columns.Add('') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellCaptionFormat] := TObject(1); FormatColumn := 'value replace ''hil'' with ''<fgcolor=FF0000><b>hil</b></fgcolor>'''; end; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
657 |
How can I get the number of occurrences of a specified string in the cell
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add(''); with (Columns.Add('occurrences') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin ComputedField := 'lower(%0) count ''o'''; FormatColumn := '''contains '' + value + '' of \''o\'' chars'''; end; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1 oooof the root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
656 |
How can I display dates in my format
with AxGantt1 do begin with (Columns.Add('Date') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellCaptionFormat] := TObject(1); FormatColumn := '''<b>'' + year(0:=date(value)) + ''</b><fgcolor=808080><font ;6> ('' + month(=:0) + '' - '' + day(=:0) +'')'''; end; with Items do begin AddItem('1/21/2001'); AddItem('2/22/2002'); AddItem('3/13/2003'); AddItem('4/24/2004'); end; end |
655 |
How can I display dates in short format
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('Date') as EXGANTTLib.Column).FormatColumn := 'shortdate(value)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/1/2001'); AddItem('2/2/2002'); AddItem('3/3/2003'); AddItem('4/4/2004'); end; end |
654 |
How can I display dates in long format
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('Date') as EXGANTTLib.Column).FormatColumn := 'longdate(value)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/1/2001'); AddItem('2/2/2002'); AddItem('3/3/2003'); AddItem('4/4/2004'); end; end |
653 |
How can I display only the right part of the cell
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add(''); with (Columns.Add('Right') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin ComputedField := '%0 right 2'; FormatColumn := '''"'' + value + ''"'''; end; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'SChild 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
652 |
How can I display only the left part of the cell
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add(''); (Columns.Add('Left') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := '%0 left 2'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'SChild 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
651 |
How can I display true or false instead 0 and -1
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('Boolean') as EXGANTTLib.Column).FormatColumn := 'value != 0 ? ''true'' : ''false'''; with Items do begin AddItem(TObject(True)); AddItem(TObject(False)); AddItem(TObject(True)); AddItem(TObject(0)); AddItem(TObject(1)); end; end |
650 |
How can I display icons or images instead numbers
with AxGantt1 do begin Images('gBJJgBAIDAAGAAEAAQhYAf8Pf4hh0QihCJo2AEZjQAjEZFEaIEaEEaAIAkcbk0olUrlktl0vmExmUzmk1m03nE5nU7nk9n0/oFBoVDolFo1HpFJpVLplNp1PqFRqVTql' + 'Vq1XrFZrVbrldr1fsFhsVjslls1ntFptVrtltt1vuFxuVzul1u13vF5vV7vl9v1/wGBwWDwmFw2HxGJxWLxmNx0xiFdyOTh8Tf9ZymXx+QytcyNgz8r0OblWjyWds+m0' + 'ka1Vf1ta1+r1mos2xrG2xeZ0+a0W0qOx3GO4NV3WeyvD2XJ5XL5nN51aiw+lfSj0gkUkAEllHanHI5j/cHg8EZf7w8vl8j4f/qfEZeB09/vjLAB30+kZQAP/P5/H6/yN' + 'AOAEAwCjMBwFAEDwJBMDwLBYAP2/8Hv8/gAGAD8LQs9w/nhDY/oygIA='); with (Columns.Add('Icons') as EXGANTTLib.Column) do begin Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exCellCaptionFormat] := TObject(1); FormatColumn := '''The cell displays the icon <img>''+value+''</img> instead '' + value'; end; with Items do begin AddItem(TObject(1)); AddItem(TObject(2)); AddItem(TObject(3)); end; end |
649 |
How can I display the column using currency
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('Currency') as EXGANTTLib.Column).FormatColumn := 'currency(dbl(value))'; with Items do begin AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); AddItem('0'); AddItem(TObject(5)); AddItem('10000.99'); end; end |
648 |
How can I display the currency only for not empty cells
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Currency') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'len(%0) ? currency(dbl(%0)) : '''''; with Items do begin AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); AddItem('0'); ItemBackColor[AddItem(Nil)] := $8080ff; AddItem('10000.99'); end; end |
647 |
Is there a function to display the number of days between two date including the number of hours
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('Start') as EXGANTTLib.Column).Width := 32; Columns.Add('End'); (Columns.Add('Duration') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := '2:=((1:=int(0:= date(%1)-date(%0))) = 0 ? '''' : str(=:1) + '' day(s)'') + ( 3:=round(24*(=:0-floor(=:0))) ? (len(=:2) ? '' and '' : ''' + ''') + =:3 + '' hour(s)'' : '''' )'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('1/11/2001'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '1/14/2001'; h := AddItem('2/22/2002 12:00:00 PM'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '3/14/2002 1:00:00 PM'; h := AddItem('3/13/2003'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '4/11/2003 11:00:00 AM'; end; end |
646 |
Is there a function to display the number of days between two date including the number of hours
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Start'); Columns.Add('End'); (Columns.Add('Duration') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := '"D " + int(date(%1)-date(%0)) + " H " + round(24*(date(%1)-date(%0) - floor(date(%1)-date(%0))))'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('1/11/2001'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '1/14/2001 11:00:00 PM'; h := AddItem('2/22/2002 12:00:00 PM'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '3/14/2002 1:00:00 PM'; h := AddItem('3/13/2003'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '4/11/2003 11:00:00 AM'; end; end |
645 |
How can I display the number of days between two dates
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Start'); Columns.Add('End'); (Columns.Add('Duration') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := '(date(%1)-date(%0)) + '' days'''; with Items do begin h := AddItem('1/11/2001'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '1/14/2001'; h := AddItem('2/22/2002'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '3/14/2002'; h := AddItem('3/13/2003'); CellCaption[TObject(h),TObject(1)] := '4/11/2003'; end; end |
644 |
How can I get second part of the date
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Second') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'sec(date(%0))'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/11/2001 10:10:00 AM'); AddItem('2/22/2002 11:01:22 AM'); AddItem('3/13/2003 12:23:01 PM'); AddItem('4/14/2004 1:11:59 PM'); end; end |
643 |
How can I get minute part of the date
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Minute') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'min(date(%0))'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/11/2001 10:10:00 AM'); AddItem('2/22/2002 11:01:00 AM'); AddItem('3/13/2003 12:23:00 PM'); AddItem('4/14/2004 1:11:00 PM'); end; end |
642 |
How can I check the hour part only so I know it was afternoon
with AxGantt1 do begin ConditionalFormats.Add('hour(%0)>=12',Nil).Bold := True; Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Hour') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'hour(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/13/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
641 |
What about a function to get the day in the week, or days since Sunday
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('WeekDay') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'weekday(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/13/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
640 |
Is there any function to get the day of the year or number of days since January 1st
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Day since January 1st') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'yearday(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/13/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
639 |
How can I display only the day of the date
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Day') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'day(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/11/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/22/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/13/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/14/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
638 |
How can I display only the month of the date
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Month') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'month(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/3/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
637 |
How can I get only the year part from a date expression
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Year') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'year(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/3/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
636 |
Can I convert the expression to date
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Date') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'date(dbl(%0))'; with Items do begin AddItem('-1.98'); AddItem('30000.99'); AddItem('3561.23'); AddItem('1232.34'); end; end |
635 |
Can I convert the expression to a number, double or float
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Number + 2') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'dbl(%0)+2'; with Items do begin AddItem('-1.98'); AddItem('0.99'); AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); end; end |
634 |
How can I display dates in long format
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('LongFormat') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'longdate(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/3/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
633 |
How can I display dates in short format
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('ShortFormat') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'shortdate(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/3/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
632 |
How can I display the time only of a date expression
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Date'); (Columns.Add('Time') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := '''time is:'' + time(date(%0))'; with Items do begin AddItem('1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM'); AddItem('2/2/2002 11:00:00 AM'); AddItem('3/3/2003 12:00:00 PM'); AddItem('4/4/2004 1:00:00 PM'); end; end |
631 |
Is there any function to display currencies, or money formatted as in the control panel
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Currency') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'currency(dbl(%0))'; with Items do begin AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); AddItem('10000.99'); end; end |
630 |
How can I convert the expression to a string so I can look into the date string expression for month's name
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Str') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'str(%0) + '' AA'''; with Items do begin AddItem('-1.98'); AddItem('0.99'); AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); end; end |
629 |
Can I display the absolute value or positive part of the number
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Abs') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'abs(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('-1.98'); AddItem('0.99'); AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); end; end |
628 |
Is there any function to get largest number with no fraction part that is not greater than the value
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Floor') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'floor(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('-1.98'); AddItem('0.99'); AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); end; end |
627 |
Is there any function to round the values base on the .5 value
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Round') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'round(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('-1.98'); AddItem('0.99'); AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); end; end |
626 |
How can I get or display the integer part of the cell
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Number'); (Columns.Add('Int') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'int(%0)'; with Items do begin AddItem('-1.98'); AddItem('0.99'); AddItem('1.23'); AddItem('2.34'); end; end |
625 |
How can I display names as proper ( first leter of the word must be in uppercase, and the rest in lowercase )
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'proper(%0)'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'child child'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'child child'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'child child'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
624 |
Is there any option to display cells in uppercase
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'upper(%0)'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Chld 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
623 |
Is there any option to display cells in lowercase
with AxGantt1 do begin (Columns.Add('') as EXGANTTLib.Column).ComputedField := 'lower(%0)'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Chld 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
622 |
How can I mark the cells that has a specified type, ie strings only
with AxGantt1 do begin ConditionalFormats.Add('type(%0) = 8',Nil).ForeColor := $ff; Columns.Add(''); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,TObject(2)); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Chld 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
621 |
How can I bold the items that contains data or those who displays empty strings
with AxGantt1 do begin ConditionalFormats.Add('not len(%1)=0',Nil).Bold := True; Columns.Add('C1'); Columns.Add('C2'); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); hC := InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); CellCaption[TObject(hC),TObject(1)] := '1'; InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
620 |
Can I change the background color for items or cells that contains a specified string
with AxGantt1 do begin ConditionalFormats.Add('%0 contains ''hi''',Nil).BackColor := $ff; Columns.Add(''); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Chld 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
619 |
Is there any option to change the fore color for cells or items that ends with a specified string
with AxGantt1 do begin ConditionalFormats.Add('%0 endwith ''22''',Nil).ForeColor := $ff; Columns.Add(''); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1.22'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2.22'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
618 |
How can I highlight the cells or items that starts with a specified string
with AxGantt1 do begin ConditionalFormats.Add('%0 startwith ''C''',Nil).Underline := True; Columns.Add(''); with Items do begin h := AddItem('Root'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 1'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'Child 2'); InsertItem(h,Nil,'SChild 3'); ExpandItem[h] := True; end; end |
617 |
How can I change the background color or the visual appearance using ebn for a particular column
with AxGantt1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); with Columns do begin Add('Column 1'); (Add('Column 2') as EXGANTTLib.Column).Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderBackColor] := TObject(16777216); (Add('Column 3') as EXGANTTLib.Column).Def[EXGANTTLib.DefColumnEnum.exHeaderBackColor] := TObject(16777471); Add('Column 4'); end; end |
616 |
How can I change the background color for a particular column
615 |
Is it possible to define level in terms of just increasing numbers (not a Date)
with AxGantt1 do begin with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 32; UnitWidth := 32; FirstVisibleDate := TObject(1000); Level[0].Label := '<%i%>'; end; end |
614 |
How can I hide the non-working units ( days or hours )
with AxGantt1 do begin BeginUpdate(); with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 0; LevelCount := 2; with Level[0] do begin Label := '<%dddd%>'; Alignment := EXGANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment; end; Level[1].Label := TObject(65536); NonworkingHours := 16773375; ShowNonworkingUnits := False; end; EndUpdate(); end |
613 |
Is there a way to have the display show the word "Noon" instead "12:00 PM" in the chart's header/levels
with AxGantt1 do begin with Chart do begin PaneWidth[False] := 0; FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001 10:00:00 AM'; LevelCount := 3; with Level[0] do begin Label := '<b><%mmm%> <%d%>, <%yyyy%></b>'; Alignment := EXGANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment; Unit := EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exDay; end; with Level[1] do begin Label := '<%h%>:00 <%AM/PM%>'; Alignment := EXGANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.CenterAlignment; Unit := EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exHour; DrawTickLines := True; DrawGridLines := True; ReplaceLabel['12:00 PM'] := '<fgcolor=0000FF><b>Noon</b></fgcolor>'; end; with Level[2] do begin Label := ''; Unit := EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exMinute; Count := 15; end; end; end |
612 |
How can I change the selection background color in the chart area
with AxGantt1 do begin Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; Chart.SelBackColor := $ff; Columns.Add('Column'); with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001',Nil,Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/6/2001','1/14/2001',Nil,Nil); SelectItem[FirstVisibleItem] := True; end; end |
611 |
How can I change the selection background color in the chart area
with AxGantt1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; Chart.SelBackColor := $1000000; Columns.Add('Column'); with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001',Nil,Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/6/2001','1/14/2001',Nil,Nil); SelectItem[FirstVisibleItem] := True; end; end |
610 |
Is there any way to extend the selection on the chart
with AxGantt1 do begin Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; Chart.SelBackColor := AxGantt1.SelBackColor; Columns.Add('Column'); with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/2/2001','1/4/2001',Nil,Nil); AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/6/2001','1/14/2001',Nil,Nil); SelectItem[FirstVisibleItem] := True; end; end |
609 |
How can I display the column's header using multiple lines
with AxGantt1 do begin HeaderHeight := 128; HeaderSingleLine := False; (Columns.Add('This is just a column that should break the header.') as EXGANTTLib.Column).Width := 32; Columns.Add('This is just another column that should break the header.'); end |
608 |
How can change the width, transparency, style, visual appearance ( EBN), of the vertical bar that shows the current date-time
with AxGantt1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); with Chart do begin LevelCount := 2; Level[0].Label := TObject(1048576); with Level[1] do begin Label := '<%ss%>'; Count := 15; end; MarkNowColor := $1000000; MarkNowWidth := 6; MarkNowTransparent := 50; end; Columns.Add('Tasks'); with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/1/2008','1/1/2018',Nil,Nil); end; end |
607 |
How can change the width, style, visual appearance ( EBN), of the vertical bar that shows the current time
with AxGantt1 do begin VisualAppearance.Add(1,'c:\exontrol\images\normal.ebn'); with Chart do begin LevelCount := 2; Level[0].Label := TObject(1048576); with Level[1] do begin Label := '<%ss%>'; Count := 15; end; MarkNowColor := $1000000; MarkNowWidth := 6; end; Columns.Add('Tasks'); with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/1/2008','1/1/2018',Nil,Nil); end; end |
606 |
How can I show a vertical bar that indicates the current time
with AxGantt1 do begin with Chart do begin LevelCount := 2; Level[0].Label := TObject(1048576); with Level[1] do begin Label := '<%ss%>'; Count := 15; end; MarkNowColor := $ff0000; MarkNowWidth := 7; end; Columns.Add('Tasks'); with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/1/2008','1/1/2018',Nil,Nil); end; end |
605 |
How can I show semi-transparent the vertical bar that indicates the current time
with AxGantt1 do begin with Chart do begin LevelCount := 2; Level[0].Label := TObject(1048576); with Level[1] do begin Label := '<%ss%>'; Count := 15; end; MarkNowColor := $ff0000; MarkNowWidth := 7; MarkNowTransparent := 50; end; Columns.Add('Tasks'); with Items do begin AddBar(AddItem('Item 1'),'Task','1/1/2008','1/1/2018',Nil,Nil); end; end |
604 |
Is there any way to highlight or show a vertical bar that indicates the current time, from 15 to 15 seconds
with AxGantt1 do begin Chart.LevelCount := 2; Chart.Level[0].Label := TObject(1048576); with Chart.Level[1] do begin Label := '<%ss%>'; Count := 15; end; Chart.MarkNowColor := $ff0000; Chart.MarkNowCount := 15; Chart.MarkNowWidth := 3; end |
603 |
Is there any way to highlight or show a vertical bar that indicates the current time, from minute to minute, hour and so on
with AxGantt1 do begin with Chart do begin UnitWidth := 48; LevelCount := 1; Level[0].Label := TObject(1048576); MarkNowColor := $ff; MarkNowUnit := EXGANTTLib.UnitEnum.exMinute; MarkNowWidth := UnitWidth; end; end |
602 |
Is there any way to highlight or show a vertical bar that indicates the current time
601 |
Is there a way of making a bar flash on the screen
with AxGantt1 do begin Columns.Add('Task'); Chart.FirstVisibleDate := '1/1/2001'; with Items do begin h := AddItem('Flashy task'); AddBar(h,'Task','1/2/2001','1/6/2001','K1',Nil); ItemBar[h,'K1',EXGANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarTransparent] := TObject(80); end; end |